It is important to reset your emotional state frequently in your day-to-day activities, and the art of the genuine is an excellent method to do so. It does not require that you practice the full visualization. Operating in your feeling world with an expanded understanding of how the heart virtues can be combined or sequenced for specific life experiences is a fundamental shift in behavior that will serve you well.
Why is practicing the art of the genuine a spiritual imperative? When you have found your own definitions of the heart virtues and you have assembled your insight into your behaviors, you will see that this is the key that unlocks the sheaths that surround your love frequency. There is no other vibrational identity within you that is more you than this pulse of divine love that defines your existence as a spiritual being. The goal is to invite this vibration–this being–into your human existence, and it will only emerge when there is harmony in your field of consciousness (i.e., emotional state).
Practicing the art of the genuine is a method to achieve this harmony and beckon your innermost self to join you in your human endeavors. It also helps to align the individual to the next phase of human evolution, which is directly concerned with the emotional state and its alignment to the spiritual impulse or love frequency. It is not that the mind is absent in this evolutionary leap, it is a vital instrument of the heart, but the intelligence of love supercedes the intelligence of the mind in the practical arena of human endeavor.
In the human world, love is thought to be an action or feeling, not a form of high intelligence. The love of which I speak is the highest intelligence of the multiverse, but also the most misunderstood in the human domain. The human soul is a conduit of this love or intelligence, and First Source is releasing higher energetics of this love frequency in order for humanity to take the next evolutionary leap to the higher 4th dimension. This leap is facilitated if the individual is practicing the art of the genuine or something similar in nature because the new energetics are like wind to the sail if there is emotional coherence, and this “wind” will quicken you, in a sense, you will time travel to another You. Perhaps it has been said before, but I want to stress this point, do not practice the art of the genuine solely for your own spiritual growth. Practice it primarily for the evolutionary expansion of the planet and those whom your life touches. You are an engineer of this expansion and evolutionary movement when you operate from this perspective because you are focused on the locus of control–the functional leverage of your own emotional state for the good of the planet and those upon her. It is precisely this perspective that is the “sail” upon which the new energetics of First Source “blow”.
As I said earlier, light is a texture of love. A new light is emerging from the cosmos that is catalyzing the light to shift in other worlds as well, including our solar system, planet and subtle fields of existence therein. You can think of this new light frequency as a catalyst of the shift of human existence, but it is really a catalyst for the earth, and humanity is merely along for the ride as it were. Earth holds a special place in the universe, not necessarily because of what it represents today, but what it will represent in its glorious future. The love frequency that you hold inside you, the braiding of the six heart virtues into the formulas of loving behavior, can be channeled in such a way that it touches earth. Contemplate this: you can touch the earth with your field of consciousness in a powerful way that actually facilitates its evolutionary shift, and in so doing, your own as well.
This is the final aspect of the art of the genuine that bears consideration. As your field of consciousness or energetic body becomes more harmonious and coherent, the love frequency seats itself more vibrantly in your human instrument. This means that you have access to your higher self in more vivid, tangible ways. With this heightened access, you also have the ability to channel this love frequency with selective precision.
Channeling this love frequency to earth is an integral aspect of practicing the art of the genuine, but it is not to be tackled too early in the practice. There is a clearing of old patterns and energies that must take place first, and then a certain self mastery of the new energetics before one can channel with the required precision and emotional strength. It is a vital phase within the practice and could be likened to the final layer of its purpose.
The power of the individual is contained in the fluid intelligence of their heart virtues. How one orchestrates their emotional state is reflective of their self-mastery. Equations of the heart virtues are the chain-link behaviors that enable one to move with grace through life’s myriad conditions and situations. The individual who understands the deeper meanings of their heart virtues and applies their equations in their life enrich their purpose on earth and gain access to the highest and most potent form of intelligence: divine love.
From my world to yours,