Within the human instrument there are many centers of intelligence. In one sense, every cell is intelligent. However, the primary clusters of human intelligence are the heart and brain—specifically the prefrontal lobes, while the primary source of divine intelligence, relative to the human body, is the connection that the heart has with the Creator’s Spirit or dispensation of the love frequency.
Because the heart is an independent sensory organ, at the physical level, and a connective link to the Creator, at an energetic level, it has a capacity for divine intelligence that is most accessible when one is unconflicted. A conflicted person is one that is uncertain and unaligned. The heart can lend its intelligence to the human instrument with greater clarity and intensity when the human instrument is not in a state of conflict or emotional turbulence.
The human instrument is analogous to a broadcasting tower, and the heart its transmitter. When the human instrument is functioning in an unconflicted state, transmitting from its heart center, it is broadcasting the frequency of First Source to the earth plane with only a small degree of its human imprimatur. If the person is functioning from the emotional state of turbulence and conflict, they are unable to access this frequency let alone transmit it.
Therefore, as you may have already surmised, the trick is to live in an unconflicted state, exercising a high degree of emotional self-regulation so that you can more deeply access and more fully transmit your heart intelligence to the benefit of all. It is analogous to transmitting the feelings of appreciation and compassion instead of speaking words or taking actions of equivalence.
Herein is one of the keys. It is not about actions and words; it is about the feeling world of the individual and how coherently they express this world from their heart—not with overstated appreciation or soft sentiments, but rather the clear intelligence of emotional support unhindered by histories, memories, expectations or judgments.