There was something before our universe was born. A force of the formless. Eternally present it is the force that all other forces follow. It is encoded within every creature, and all are unerringly led by this force to their place within the eternally present. The root of the highest light is our embodiment, yet the highest light is the root of this force.
Called by many names, the force remains nameless and transcendent of all vocabulary and language. I have hinted at its scope in this work, but they are only oblique tracings of an othenwise indiscernible quality of the eternally present. It is a humble sign, to leave words on paper amid this force that knows no words.
I express a heartfelt gratitude to this force that binds us and holds us in its eternal presence, and to each of you who have demonstrated interest in the echoes and shadows of this force that I have tried to coax into words.
It is too easy in today’s world to consider oneself an island of reality in an ocean of illusion. When the teacher Anne Sullivan first met her new student Helen Keller, she was ill-prepared for the depth of isolation that Helen Keller existed in. For seven years, Helen, unable to see or hear (and therefore speak), had lived without communication; her mind untouched by a single concept of her world. Anne Sullivan could have given up a hundred times in those first days of trying to communicate with Helen, but her love and understanding carried her past the easy exits.
Anne Sullivan needed a bridge —a single concept that would ignite Helen’s mind. It came in the form of water. By exposing Helen to the touch and feel of water and then writing the word “water” on the palm of Helen’s young hand, Helen suddenly understood the concept of water, and communication was born within her mind.
From this initial realization, Helen’s mind quite literally lit up. She realized that concepts existed to enable communication, which ultimately led to her realization of love.
In a sense we are deaf and blind to the finer frequencies that surround us in each moment of our day, unaware of the higher dimensional worlds that are sustained and led by the eternally present force. We lack the concepts that enable us to experience this force, and so our conscious self is unaware of the breadth and depth of our true reality. The Anne Sullivans of our world seek to ignite our minds and hearts with concepts that will enable us to imagine this force, not as something institutionalized or owned by any nation, culture or organization, but to sense it directly within ourselves.
Teachers use words to describe the nameless force of Source, aware that their students may catch a particle of its substance and become aware of its presence within them and everyone else. The force, what I have named Source Intelligence in some of my earlier works, is the essence of all stmctures and orders.
The writings of The Dohrman Prophecy and The Collected Works of the WingMakers provide a framework to exercise one's use of the moment in such a way that it draws you closer to the force of Source. The key word in the aforementioned sentence is “use” because with each moment of your life you are presented with an opportunity to step through the normal consciousness of the human embodiment and follow your heart’s intelligence. This is the only way in the world of our time to touch what is, to sense the force.
If you use the moment —the situations of your day-to-day life— to embody the force and project it through your heart’s virtues you will find your way. And in finding this way, do not expect the miraculous “Ah hah!” to be your reward. Do not feel overlooked if you never feel this force in its pure state, for, as Homer wrote, the journey is its own reward. There is no good or bad in experiencing or not experiencing the force while you occupy a human body. Some do, some do not. It is that simple. One experience is not better than the other.
Each of you was born with imagination. It is this imagination within you that can read: out and fathom what this force is. It can sense its presence, even though it remains invisible. This is enough. This will fulfill you. It is not a prize to win. It is not a goal to achieve. It is enough to imagine this unifying force of all within all and to live your life as if you were part of this force. For that is exactly what you are.
May love guide us in all of our endeavors,