Heart Maps

I understand the tendency of individuals to want clear-cut “maps” that state definitively how one should go about activating and transmitting their heart intelligence. If there were such a map, it would undermine your own creativity and resourcefulness. The things that matter in one’s life—relative to one’s purpose—are neither formulaic edicts nor mantras. They are feelings and how coherent and unconflicted they are transmitted.

It is only natural to want clarity and a sense of “I’m on the right path”. If I could draw a map of this adventure into your heart and give it to you, it would not be done with words or actions. It would be drawn with feelings and the energetics therein. It would be done with an energetic transfer that you would catch—fleeting as it may be—but it would be something you could feel. In these words and images I’ve tried to weave together an energetic transfer. You must do the catching and carry out its resourceful application.

The brain is not the primary receptor of an energetic transfer. It cannot absorb the subtle frequencies and textures that intermingle in the feeling world, dancing in rhythms that exceed the speed of light. It is only the heart that can capture the intrinsic meaning of these energetic transfers and sometimes this does not translate to the mind.

This condition can leave one with the sense that the Heart Map, or energetic transfer, was never received. I can only tell you that if you read this paper and listen to it from a heartfelt perspective there is a transfer. A map is being imprinted within your energetic being and it is activating a region of your heart intelligence that will—over time—step forward as a mapmaker.