Heart Reality

Your energetic heart is multi-leveled and holographic, meaning that it encompasses the dimensions of life that range from the mundane, dense, three-dimensional environment to the mystical and supernal dimensions of First Source. At its core energetic frequency it is coupled to the grid of love that interpenetrates all dimensions and all life. At the point of this coupling, the heart beats within the soul, similar to how its rhythms pulse through the body electromagnetically.

The heart of the human soul is in accord with the heart of First Source. Remember, we are created in the image of our Maker. Within this Heart of hearts is the transmission upon which we all live and have our being. It is from here that we have been diverted—our attentions split into a thousand directions, forgetting—no, underestimating our heart’s intelligence and the ease in which we can apply its special powers.

The stresses of life also cast you in the direction of the pleasures of life, as well as its mysteries. However, you must find and then choose your direction into your heart’s intelligence. It cannot be forced upon you, yet too few understand how to reach inside their energetic heart and activate its transmissions so it can be broadcast via the human instrument’s innate capabilities.

Diversions of the mind and underestimating the value of the heart are why individuals do not understand how to activate and broadcast their energetic heart. The heart is often seen as subordinate to the mind-brain. It is confused as the seat of emotions, for which the heart has become a rogue, non-verbal intelligence suited to the impulses of anger and fear as well as love and compassion. In truth, there does not exist a more stable force within the human instrument than the heart, nor a more intelligent source of perception.

In ancient times the heart was regarded as the seat of soul. It was the gateway between the world of soul and the world of the body-mind. It has, in the science of the last three hundred years, undergone a repositioning as a mechanical pump of remarkable biological properties, but nonetheless, a mechanism of blood distribution and little more.

In more modern times, metaphysicians have placed the heart within the emotional frequencies, signaling its place in the astral plane or the plane of emotions. They reason that the heart is the emotional and feeling center of the body; therefore it is not governed by its own intelligence but rather the intelligence of the mind. Metaphysics has quietly relegated the heart to a position of emotional expression that must therefore be aligned to the mind centers, which operate as the active, guiding principle of the human instrument.

It is this repositioning of the heart’s mission and function by both science and metaphysics that has diminished its role in today’s world, and this is not by accident. While the mind-brain is overshadowed by the ego, it posits that the heart is its instrument, when indeed it is more truthful to say that the mind-brain is the instrument of the heart.

The time is rapidly approaching when the heart’s intelligence will be rightly understood as the primary source of human connection to the divine intelligence of our Creator. Its perceptual capabilities and resilience of spirit is a result of this intimate connection to First Source. It will become the mirror by which humanity sees—in high resolution and irrefutable detail—the wonders of the human soul.

I will tell you a secret. It is, as with all things vital, a simple, elegant, pure, and rational behavior. It is the smallest of activities and it is wordless. It is impossible to feel the puffery of ego in its midst. It is this: Feel yourself connected to your Creator at your heart, but release the flow of love that comes your way.

The Creator’s bequest is always flowing your way in the form of love. It enters you in your energetic heart and “travels” its way to your body. From your heart it touches your brain and releases hormones into your bloodstream that—over time perfect your transmissions. Feel this process. Be aware that it is occurring. Consciously co-create its occurrence. And when you do, release it with the simple command: “What comes to me flows through me.”

Do you see how simple and elegant it is? There is intention, or co-creation. There is visualization. There is the activation of feeling connected. There is release. There is outflow. There is heart-centric focus. And there is the lingering appreciation frequency. 

There is a wisdom of the ages that has been lost in time. It states: The heart is the place we must daily face for there we find ourselves.