Focus of the Heart

I know there are many of you who are drawn to read and study the spiritual works. Many of you feel that your purpose is to expand these works, to bring new vision to the ancient sight. You desire that your purpose be linked to a grand expression that touches many in a positive way. I understand all of this and more, but truthfully, I tell you that your mission and purpose—if subjected to a distillation process—can be found in the three paragraphs above.

Letters arrive daily as to why additional materials are not being released upon the and websites. I understand the desire to learn more about the structures of the cosmos and what is happening upon earth. In part, it is why I’ve released this paper at this time. But the materials I have come to convey are not all destined for those present in this time. They are for future incarnations, for reasons I have already spoken to.

Your thirst for knowledge is admirable. Your thirst for experience in the other dimensions waxes and wanes from fear of the unknown. Your thirst for heart intelligence is more powerful than you imagine because you re-label and redistribute it as the thirst for knowledge and experience. This is because you have focused on the third eye, on the higher mind, the crown chakra, the cosmic knowing; and you have struggled to bring knowledge and experience into your mind.

There is nothing wrong or misguided about this. It is natural and is part of the encoding of those present in this time. I am only explaining that it is time to shift to the heart. It is a fair question to ask “why”?

Abundant knowledge exists on this planet relative to man’s spiritual quest and ascension career. It does not require layers upon layers of embellishment. Indeed, these “layers”—in many cases—create the new filters and densities that obscure the pure understanding inside your hearts. This is a time of creativity and co-creation. It is not a time of re-working, embellishing, or enlarging the knowledge systems of the past, and there is a reason.

Human destiny is focused on establishing a new, higher dimensional consciousness on earth, and in so doing, creating conscious, two-way linkages to the multiverse and the entities and beings therein. As we ramp-up to this shift in consciousness, each of us will require an enhanced creativity and intuition, which is the very fiber of our energetic heart.

When I speak of creativity, I’m not speaking to the activities of art, music, or writing. I am talking about the ultimate creativity—creating new perceptions of your reality. When you view your reality through the prism of your energetic heart, your reality will shift in the direction that humanity itself is shifting. In other words, there is an alignment between your view of reality and the future reality of humanity.

In this alignment, there is power to leverage in achieving the shift (or leaping over the hurdle). This is why it is so vital. It is also why it touches so many.

You can spend the rest of your life creating the new words, the new brush strokes over the old, and you will touch—if you are very fortunate—thousands of people. But where will you touch them; in their hearts; in their minds; in their pocketbooks? 

You can activate your heart intelligence and apply it in your everyday life, and over a period of a minute, you can touch the entire grid of humanity. In principle, this functions as a result of how the grid of love is engineered to be porous to an input frequency that is compatible to the grid itself, and then transmit this input across the grid as an energetic add-on. If the frequency is not compatible, the input will be locked out of the grid. (It is not the purpose of this paper to explain how this works in detail; perhaps in a later paper I will make known the physics behind this grid.)