The Ego-Mind Knowledge Structure

The ego-mind is enculturated by our social order to develop a value system that is aligned with the consensus of society or a group within the broader social order. Thus, our knowledge, morals, values, attitudes, and behavior are largely cultivated by the underlying social structure of the three-dimensional world. 

The self or consciousness is not contained inside the three-dimensional world; therefore it cannot truly be examined by three-dimensional inquiries or even the most finely tuned logic of the mind. This is the fundamental imbalance of the religious, philosophical and psychological fields: that the unlimited self cannot be revealed by the mind that is enculturated and bound in the three dimensional world. 

Mysticism posits that there is a mystery that underlies life and confounds the egomind, which in turn, seeks explanations and rationale for this inexplicable mystery, and in this search, science, religion, psychology, and philosophy are nurtured and sustained. While these tools or disciplines are believed by many to guide our inquiry into a transcendent consciousness, it is a little like trying to explore the ocean’s depths with an airplane. 

The ego-mind knowledge structure observes the ripples of soul, but the profound source of these ripples reveals itself to no one–its structure being the superstructure of all things material and non-material. This leaves the ego-mind feeling frustrated and somewhat distrustful, at least in those who are awakened to this reality. The ego-mind searches for the expression of intelligence in the significance of activity; while the soul is intelligent unto itself because it faithfully receives and transmits the virtues of the heart. 

The ego-mind seeks the pay-off of activity or the rewards of consequence; while the soul seeks to sustain a culture of the heart’s virtues within the density of the worlds of form. The self is caught, in a sense, between two worlds that share one common element: 

Purpose. We are all aware, in our most lucid moments, that there is a deeper purpose to life, and, in particular, to our life. The fragmentary world of form is arresting to our senses, but it does not provide satisfaction to our inborn longing for purpose. This is why the ego-mind is frustrated in so many who are here waiting for their purpose to unfold. The art of the genuine is the practice of coherence between the deeper awakening of the heart virtues within each of us, and their faithful expression in the worlds of form. Those individuals who are awakened to the frequencies of the energetic heart within and practice–to their best ability in the moment–the expression of these frequencies in their behavior and actions are practicing their highest purpose. Allow me to stress this point: they are practicing their highest purpose. They are not seeking it. They are not wondering what it is. They are not frustrated by the enigma of their seeming elusive purpose. They are simply practicing it. Living it as an integral element of their life expression and seeking to increase the degree of coherence between what they understand their heart virtues to be and how they can express those heart virtues with genuineness. 

The ego-mind structure will more easily align to the energetic heart when it understands that its real purpose is being fulfilled and not made more abstract by the mystical, unseen nature of spirit. This alignment increases the ability of the individual to achieve genuine expression of their heart virtues through their behaviors and actions. 

The spiritual works of earth are cluttered with so many admonitions, rules, precepts, laws, formulaic processes, and esoteric practices that the art of the genuine may seem oddly simple, and therefore less potent. However, it is the simple acts of virtue that hold the true power of transformation and upliftment–not only for the individual practicing them, but for the larger share of humanity in all of its dimensional expressions. 

Each individual is an active participant in the reality structures they observe and experience in the worlds of form. This participation occurs primarily through the energy centers of the human instrument3 and their intersection with the threedimensional world. These energetics, however subtle they may be, are dynamically shaping your reality, imbuing it with perceptual markers that define your ascension path from noble innocent to conscious co-creator of new realities. 

It is not enough to have an abstract understanding of the heart’s virtues. For example, knowing that it is essential to express appreciation for the gifts that life brings to you is one thing, expressing this appreciation is another, but understanding how and when to express this appreciation with a genuineness that is grounded in the energetic heart frequencies requires a special awareness–an attunement to the finer frequencies of the heart and a commitment to follow these subtle gestures of virtue faithfully. 

There are many who believe that their life should be more prosperous and abundant. That life should unfold according to their needs. Ease should be the embodiment of their life force. But there have been energetic densities deposited on earth by countless generations of humans.

These densities require transformation in order for the planet to shift its core frequency to a higher dimensional state. Each of us embodied on earth is part of this process of transformation. It is the natural state of consciousness to desire to move beyond the lower densities that impede the heart virtues’ free and natural expression, even if this process may extend across hundreds if not thousands of embodiments in a human instrument. 

Human Instrument– The human instrument consists of three principal components: The biological (physical body), the emotional, and the mental. These three distinct tools and systems of intelligence and perception, in aggregate, represent the vehicle of the individuated spirit as it interacts with the physical dimension of time, space, energy, and matter. In Lyricus terms, the human instrument is referred to as the soul carrier, and the soul consciousness within it is activating the sensorial system of the soul carrier to enhance the soul’s influence within the physical world.  

It is precisely this mutual transformational process that humanity is co-creating with the planet. Once this is truly understood in the mind and heart of the individual, practicing the art of the genuine is a spiritual imperative.