Energetic Heart
Its Purpose in Human Destiny
An inquiry I receive more often than any other is related to how people can be of service and fulfill their purpose in this lifetime. Among the many threads of this inquiry are:
• How do I go about discovering what my mission and purpose is?
• I have all of this energy, insight and love to give to humanity, how best do I channel it?

As many of you have read in the prophecies of the ancients, earth, and by association, humanity, is undergoing a transition in consciousness forecast to occur in the 2012 timeframe. This planetary shift is part of a larger design of a galactic shift, which is part of a still larger design of a cosmic shift that crosses multiple dimensions of time/space. It is as large as you can conceive when you’re in your most lucid state of heart-mind synchrony. One of the reasons that earth is now populated with 6.5 billion people is that it is the theater of interest to a vast assortment of cosmic beings incarnating to help in, and observe, this planetary transition.
Each of you is a part of this, particularly if you’re reading these words since they are part of an Event String to align individuals to this undertaking.