"Where are we?" she asked, turning to face the bird.
"We are on earth, in a different dimension that will be the home of humanity in the coming age."
"And when will this coming age occur?" the Oracle asked.
The bird shifted its position slightly and enfolded its massive wings. "It could be tomorrow . It could be in some future time so far off that it is not definable."
"How can that be? How can there be such an enormous range of time?" the Oracle implored.
"Time as humanity believes it to be, doesn't exist. Time is a creation of the mas of humanity, not the individual. The individual is not of time; the human species believes, with its brain, that it is. The human species plods along the ascension path using time a its beacon, benchmark and goal. To us, they are measurements of illusion, and little more. They are necessary building blocks to understand the prison that humanity has unwittingly entered, but time is not the key out of this prison. Only the heart will unlock this door. Only the heart."
"And why is the heart the only key?"
The reat bird cocked its head and looked down on the Oracle, pointing its wing to a place on the distant honrizon. "Can you see the moon?"
"Yes," the Oracle replied.
"The crescent shape of the moon is the same as the heart when it's first formed in the human embryo. The heart lives between the two worlds of the outer and inner folds of the individual, when the individual is yet an oval-shaped disc."
As the bird was explaining the process, the crescent moon began to perform as an illustration to the bird's explanation, as if it was synchronized to its words, and it floated within a short distance to their position and became an oval disc floating on its side with three layers.
"The heart," the bird continued, "assembles cells that activate and communicate a pulsation that becomes one rhythmic wave. It is the precise metaphor of humanity contained in a three-week-old human heart. The heart is centered in oneness and communication, in the same way that humanity is evolving. Thus, the heart is the symbol of humanity.
"The brain, on theother hand, begins its architecture of duality, which is its seduction to the human spirit to live and operate from this cranial system that measures and analyzes, compares and judges, and assesses values of good and bad. This system of duality has become the home of the spirit, not in every person, but in the majority of the human species.
"Before the brain's architecture is unfolded in the embryo, th crescent heart is beating, and in this beating, an electric field is created that becomes the initial home of the individual. In many ways, the human is first a heart, then a brain, and then a body. The heart is the true home of the human spirit not simply because of the order in which it develops, but because the order is a reflection of the meaning intrinsic to human development.
"First Source works in this way. Nothing is hidden in coincidence of chaos. There is always meaning in the geometry of creation, and when science discovers this geometry of creation, they must also look for the meaning that undergirds it, but meaning is seen and felt by the heart, and science looks with the brain. And so science seldom understands the geometry of creation."
The Oracle noticed that animation of the bird's descnption had vanished and the crescent moon was once again off in the distant horizon. She looked at the bird and noticed its eyes wer watering as though it was crying. " Are you sad?"
"I am wishful," the great bird replied. "I wish for humanity to returnn to its heart, to live from this area and express the oneness of its true home."
"How does this all relate to my question about the heart being the only key for humanity?"
"If humanity can live from its heart, if it can journey from its head to its heart and express itself from this sacred site, it can live in this new dimension, just as you are now. It can operate as a loving, extended family and enjoy the blessings of spirit that this great earth has extended to all that have come upon her."
"And if they don't? What happens?"
"You have the prophecy. You already know."
Just as the words left the bird's mouth, visions of great destruction loomed in front of the Oracle. She could see great floods, powerful winds, fires that licked the sky, an plagues consuming parts of humanity. She turned away and looked within the bird's eyes. "Why do you show me this?"
You're observing from the human-encoded brain,"the bird said,"look instead from your natural heart an imagine the transition from one dimension to another is a smoother mesh, where a sense of ease, flow and rhythm modulate the transition. Observe how earth, as a whole, extends care and consideration to all its creatures."
The Oracle looked again and the images of doom remained, wars and turmoil, angry mobs beating down doors, and homeless people shuffling in deserted streets with hopelessness written on their faces. "It didn't work... I tried to imagine this and I failed. Please make it stop. I don't want to see anymore."
"Then close your eyes listen to my voice,"the bird suggested.
"Listen to your breath. Do you hear it flow through your body?"
She nodded after a few moments. "Yes, I hear it."
The feld they were in was completely quiet, and the sound of her breath, other than when the bird spoke, was the only sound she could hear.
The bird's voice was only whisper. "Follow the breath to your heart and allow it to settle there, and when you do, imagine the breath is your soul, or spirit. Can you do that?"
"I will try," she answered.
The Oracle took deep breaths and imagined that the air was her soul, and as she breathed in, she would let in gather in the area of her heart.
"Now," the bird continued "try to add one feeling to the breath, just one feeling. Bring in the feeling of understanding."
"What is that feeling?" the Oracle asked inquisitively. "I know understanding as an analytical concept, but not as a feeling."
"Understanding is a feeling. It is not a thing of the mind. It is awareness of love's significance in your life, and why love matters more than any other thing.
Bring this feeling into your breath and allow it to activate your heart likee a promising fire being kindled in the wilderness with utter care and diligence."
The Oracle, her eyes closed , concentrated on the words, then her breath, and then the feeling of understanding. She could feel a change take place somewhere within but she couldn't define it. She sensed a movement into a timeless place.
It was a place of forgiveness that she had never entered before.
"Now, imagine a new humanity," the bird whispered. "Imagine it is doing the same thing as you are, journeying from the brain's duality to the oneness of the heart, and with every breath they bring in the feeling of understanding. Hold this image in your heart even for a glimmering moment of time, and then open your eyes."
The Oracle did as she was instructed and slowly opened her eyes. What was once an empty field of flowers and grasses was now filled with people of every age operating in a symphony of interaction where the energy of one was passed to another and then another as though there was a purposeful interplay a woven kindness in every gesture and approach.
There was a loving center every geometry of interaction, and it didn't matter if the interaction was human, animal, plant, or earth. All life seemed to operate with love-filled kindness and intention. It was a place with reasoned judgment, where trust and hope could fully expand without borders of controlling interest.
The Oracle looked to with awe shining in her eyes, pointing a delicate finger to the new scene that was before them. "I did this?"
The bird nodded.
"Then the heart can create?" she asked.
The bird nodded again. "The heart is the creative center of the soul. It is the heart that issues the coherent, aligned, and focused energies of First Source that are capable of transforming the energies of the earth plane."
"But what of the mind, doesn't it also create?"
"Yes, it creates," the bird replied, "but it is not the creative center because it creates in duality. The center can only create in oneness. It is always seeking to connect andd unify, to communicate the feelings of First Source awareness. The mind, properly conditioned, becomes aligned with the heart and is an extension of its intelligence and awareness.
"The spacetime you are in is when humanity is undergoing this journey from the head to the heart, realigning the mind with the oneness that flows from the heart, rather than the duality that surges from the ego-personality. This is the time of great transformation, the earth and humanity are the key players who have taken stage and are in the process of mutual transformation into a new dimesion of being."
"That is up to you," the bird replied.