Excerpt from the interview with James in April 2008
How you clothe your mission in terms of your work, or hobbies, or family, or relationships, well, this is up to you, and in the wide sense of reality—it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you express a love-centered life into your local universe independent of external circumstance. You place this at the core of your human existence, knowing that if you so, you are a stabilizing force and of all the forces that are needed at this time—this, this is the most vital.

James: There will continue to be calamities of various kinds. That’s all part of the rhythm of nature and man, but it’s not the events of the past that define our species, or the direction in which we advance, so much as it’s the purpose and intention we carry within our hearts and minds. So, yes, there will be wars and natural disasters that trail in the wake of humanity and, yes, it will be natural to presume that the best indicator of our future is our past, but that’s not really the case. Prophecy often neglects the finer energies of the human heart and mind, and instead is informed by the mistakes and disastrous judgments that we see materialize in our history books. There is a prime coherence that makes possible the gradual appearance of the bridge between Creator and creation. As this bridge materializes in the coming years, it will widen so more and more people can cross it and feel the vibrational influences of their Creator—moment by moment—whenever they choose to touch Him.
It’s like the lifting of a fog that separates one identity from another, and despite all the evidence to the contrary, the future of humankind is as bright as a star and even more enduring.
Mark: Yes, I think that was more positive than I expected.
James: Yes, but I’m well aware that prophecy is a bit gloomy relative to humanity and earth, but as I said, within the hearts and minds of ordinary people is the vision of what is to be, even if we can’t articulate it or grasp it with our minds, we nonetheless emit this vision and purpose, and it goes out as a powerful imprint forming the future of humanity like a great Sculptor who wields galaxies like a hammer and chisel.
The deepest motives of the human heart are not found in words, but rather behaviors and energetic or etheric transmissions to share love and light to all creatures. These, these are the muscles and limbs of the great Sculptor or collective Being. And the reason this is so is because we are children of our Creator, Whose vision and purpose is stored within each of us, expressing Itself even when we seem far, far from spiritual godly living. We cannot turn this off any more than our sun can choose not to shine. [Pause.]
Food shortages will be an issue, disease will be an issue, or wars will be an issue, and these are all elements that will pull humanity into a new grid, or a new perspective relative to its values and behaviors. But the deepest motives, even when they are forgotten or ignored, remain as a collective signature of humanity, and these will be crystallized in our new institutions, our new technologies, our new leaders, and the new objectives of a united earth. This is our destiny.
It’s not the whim of a few teachers or even angelic hosts—it’s the innermost pure ancient voice of our hearts and minds in a chorus of love where your identity is a cell in an evolving, ascending planetary organism. This organism lives and moves in the currents of love that fill the universe as light and sound frequencies from the highest to the lowest order.
It’s not the whim of a few teachers or even angelic hosts—it’s the innermost pure ancient voice of our hearts and minds in a chorus of love where your identity is a cell in an evolving, ascending planetary organism. This organism lives and moves in the currents of love that fill the universe as light and sound frequencies from the highest to the lowest order.
We are all members of a single organism much like individual photons compose a beam of light or trillions of electrons compose an electrical current that sweeps across a galaxy. When we move from the world of phenomena to the higher dimensions of reality, individuality is exchanged for community, and this community is vast and encompassing, and it contains an intelligence that mirrors its vastness.
In the times ahead, there will be shifting sands and creeping doubts and many people will feel fears trying to grasp them. May I remind anyone who is open-minded to the possibility that you are here at this time to give your love independent of the external world conditions and events.
It’s the foundation of Event Temples to help organize these quantum communities, so that we can collectively stand as examples of love-based communities living amidst fear-based individuals. And easing fear, and guilt, and hate, and base survival, and ignorance, and greed energies that will be emitted in the coming years as the birth pangs of a new earth are released.
I understand it’s very easy to fall prey to these fear-based energies and want to protect yourselves and loved ones, and prepare for tumultuous times—to, in effect, to crawl inside a protective cocoon and wait for the chaos to pass. But the times, as hard as they may become, will be made easier for all in the broader community of humanity and earth, if those of us who came to this planet at this time fully awaken to our missions of receiving and transmitting love frequencies into our local universe—knowing well that the walls of our local universe extend to the most distant and ancient walls of our Creator’s universe. They are truly one and the same, and what we send out to one, goes to all. It circulates amongst the greater community and stabilizes it amid any turmoil.
So, it is our responsibility to own this time as makers of peace from war, creators of love from turmoil, changers of darkness to light, and transformers of despair to hope. If any of you question your mission or purpose—remember, it is this!
How you clothe your mission in terms of your work, or hobbies, or family, or relationships, well, this is up to you, and in the wide sense of reality—it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you express a love-centered life into your local universe independent of external circumstance. You place this at the core of your human existence, knowing that if you so, you are a stabilizing force and of all the forces that are needed at this time—this, this is the most vital.
Mark: ...how do we remain as stable forces? I mean, wouldn’t it be natural to get caught up in the chaos since it affects us, and I think it would be very hard to remain in the heart, or express a loved-centered life in the midst of this kind of chaos, at least.
James: I am not predicting there will be chaos, though it’s a possibility. Much of the catastrophic events that were possible components of the birth pains of earth have been mitigated already. There’re enough people around the planet to stabilize it. And this, by the way, is a significant reason for what some people would call over-population. In reality, it requires a very large human population on the planet to get a stabilizing force, energetically speaking... to entrain a higher order field on the planet.
Yes, the difficulty you speak of is true, if there are riots in the street, or the Internet is shut down for a few days, or if governments suddenly announced extraterrestrials are indeed real—these kinds of events would have profound implications to our social order. It would be like turning it upside down for a while, and in this state of disorder it would be hard to think, act, and express outside of the social reaction, especially with the media fanning the flames of fear and apprehension.
And yet, this is precisely what you will be asked to do. Whenever you feel your ability to radiate the love-centered life is in jeopardy or diminishment, you need only to call on your higher Self to replenish it, to tap into the reservoir of love and compassion that surrounds you at all times.
Mark: You know, James, how does one call on the higher Self, or tap into this reservoir you speak of? Is there a technique you recommend?
James: It’s a fair question, but there are no formulas in this regard, Mark, or at least, not ones that, in my view, are effective.
Let me answer you this way. If the people of our world knew only the condition of sleep, it would be logical that they would then fear the dawn. The people would wonder, “What is this strange light that awakens us?”
This is the time when Spirit is victorious over the forces of materialization and it will emerge with the calm supremacy that’s the signature of its Source. And this emergence is like the dawn, as light falls over our world and stirs people awake. Sometimes this light will stir turmoil and unrest, but this is only because people have been asleep for so long that they fear the changes that this light brings, as they know, at a deeper level, that these changes are profound and lasting, and carry with them a responsibility that they themselves must adopt, or be left behind, in a sense.
Those who are truly awake, they’ll see these tumultuous times as demonstrations of this light and it will not evoke survival instincts, or run-and- hide tactics of despair. They will feel a new power that comes to them unbidden, in the sense that they don’t call for it consciously, but it will flow over them nonetheless, like a new current of energy and they will anchor it, share it, and experience it like never before.
You see, I could give you this technique or that, but in the end, it’s really just a string of words. Instead, what I have shared is the Spirit behind the words, the force behind the object and this, in my opinion, is more valuable. So, listen if you want, to the Spirit force, as it will inform you and keep you focused on the mission that you came to be part of, and to achieve as a collective intelligence.